“Sexuality is intended by God to be neither incidental to nor detrimental to our spirituality, but rather a fully integrated and basic dimension of that spirituality…. Human sexuality…is most fundamentally the divine invitation to find our destinies not in loneliness but in deep connection…we experience our sexuality as the basic eros of our humanness that urges, invites, and lures us out of our loneliness into intimate communication and communion with God and the world.”
Sexuality and Holy Longing, Lisa Graham McMinn
As spiritual directors, so much of our work surrounds desire. In order to have a fully orbed understanding of desire, we need to encounter and reflect upon the energies our sexuality—and that of our directees. When the topic of sexuality is ignored, repressed, or narrowed to preclude the work of God, we, as directors, tread in dangerous territory. This workshop will look at the importance of sexuality in the spiritual direction room, and begin to introduce not only appropriate ways to listen for and reflect God’s invitations through sexuality but also why holy listening in this area of life matters so much.
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