Anam Cara Abbey
The Anam Cara Abbey is a place that we have built together over the past ten years. It’s a place where people are reminded (again and again and again) that they are the beloved of God. It’s a place of prayer and contemplative practice, of falling down and getting back up again. It’s a place of community and hope, where stories are shared and creativity is practiced. It’s a wild, holy place of spiritual companionship and friendship in all its messy and beautiful forms.
Cultivating Community
The Cultivating Community is a giving collective from around the world supporting the work of Anam Cara. Your generosity makes it possible for us to offer spiritual direction, Scripture Circles, training, resources, and gathering places that allow transformative, listening relationship to happen. Members of the cultivating community are committed to financially supporting the work of Anam Cara on an on-going basis.
In the Celtic tradition, Peregrini were traveling missionary monks who were attached to an abbey or monastery but “wandered” or lived outside the abbey. For many, the role of Spiritual Director may feel lonely or isolating. The Peregrini Community with Anam Cara Ministry has been created to support to spiritual directors who share the heart and vision of Anam Cara. Like all relationships within Anam Cara, we see this relationship as a commitment to one another, as opposed to a transaction.