Becki Parr desires to help others recognize God’s image in them, God’s love for them, and God’s work through them. Lingering with God and people are two of her favorite things. Becki enjoys sitting with people from a variety of streams of Christian faith. Whether a person is exploring a relationship with God, wrestling through questions or doubt, seeking to deepen their experience with God, or serving in ministerial leadership, Becki hopes to create safe places for others to be their authentic selves and be seen in their belovedness. She delights in fashioning space for people to recognize and experience God’s presence. One of her greatest passions is leading intimate retreats.
Becki provides spiritual direction for individuals, facilitates Lectio Divina ,and offers group spiritual direction. She has 20+ years of experience working with ministries for teenagers, young adults, women, and children, as well as engaging with people who have diverse cognitive and/or physical abilities, and serving those who love them. Becki lives in Arvada with her husband, three boys, and dog. She loves coffee, unstructured time with her boys, playing outside (but using the bathroom inside), hiking (but not camping), and the beach. As an apprentice with Anam Cara Ministries, Becki is taking limited new directees in person and at a distance. You may contact her by text or phone at 925-708-1012.